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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Handout lesson 13

So here is what i ended up doing for my handout/treat. Instead of attaching the handout axes on the bag of lifesavers, i just slipped it into the it seemed to be just the right size. So one side shows the card while the other shows the candy.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lesson 13

This weeks lesson is on Baptism and Taking the Name of Christ Upon Us. For this lesson I decided to make this into a game based on the topic of baptism. I found the idea HERE and just adapted it for my class.

HERE is the questions for the game
Here is a sample of a few of the questions (there is five categories)

Category 1: Baptism
100: If you are 12 and a worthy member of the church you can perform these at the temple          
 (Baptisms for the dead)
200: These two principles of the gospel precede the ordinance of baptism
  (Faith and Repentance, 4th A of F)
300: Baptism by immersion is symbolic of this, as described in the BD on pg. 618
    (death, burial and resurrection)
400: These are the three baptismal covenants we make to Heavenly Father as given in
 the sacrament prayers
 (D&C 20:77- take His name upon us, always remember Him, and keep His commandments)

 I will also be handing out a little handout that has lifesavers in a small bag with the image below stapled on it for a bag topper.
HERE is the link to the PDF for this treat bag topper (the above image)

I don't have the finished product up yet because I haven't put them all together but I hope to get a picture of it when I do!