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Monday, February 27, 2012

Coming Soon- Lesson 8

So I am currently working on taking the quiz on Heaven and Hell that goes with the next lesson and turning it into a game and then having the class teach each other about the different kingdom of glories.

Should be posted later tonight!

**UPDATE** I dont know why I said I was creating something for it. I did do a game but it was really simple. I had a dog toy (one that squeaked) and I put it on a table in the middle of the room. Divided the class into two teams.

I would ask one of the questions from the quiz. Then who ever knows the answer would have to get the "squeaky" and answer. they got one point for getting the answer right and another bonus point if they could explain why (the explainations are found within the lesson). If they got it wrong, the team that didn't answer would get a chance to steal for point.

It can get a little competitive but they kids seemed to like it and it made taking the quiz and answering those questions a little more fun than just answering them regularly

Lesson 7: What happens after death?

Here is the outline that I used for my class on lesson 7 What Happens After Death? This one was pretty much straight from the manual wasn't all that bad minus the story that one of my young deacons shared about ashes...anyway here is my outline

Lesson 7: What Happens After Death?

OBJECT LESSON: Could have used glove but I chose to have a few of my dramatic students act this out. However I did have the glove as well to reinforce the idea.

When the spirit enters the body- the body can live, work, and act. A spirit combined with a physical body makes a person a living soul. 

READ D&C 88:15-16
      Life was not meant to be forever. One day we will die and the spirit and body will be separated. 

     When separated, the body cannot move. It is dead. But the spirit is still alive. 

? Why is the atonement important to us? (It allows us to overcome mortal death)

Because of this- the separation of the spirit and the body will no be permanent. Each of us will be resurrected. At the time of the resurrection, the body and spirit will be reunited in a perfect state (become alive).
        ***Here is where I had a few questions: 1: Will we have belly buttons when we are resurrected and in that perfect state as it is a scar? and  2: When will we be resurrected?

? What happens after we die but before we are resurrected?

READ Alma 40:11 
READ QUOTE from President Joseph Fielding Smith
READ Alma 34:34

? What will our personalities (spirits) be like when we die?

READ QUOTE from President Brigham Young
     Our spirits will carry to the spirit world the same tendencies, appetites, and desires that we had when we lived on the earth.

READ Alma 40:12-14
   Spirit World: 
       Paradise (state of happiness): those who have accepted the gospel and lived righteously
       Spirit Prison (state of darkness): those who rejected the gospel and those who have died without a knowledge of the truth.

? Why do you think "spirit prison" is an appropriate name? 


READ 1 Peter 3:18-20 and D&C 138-29-34
READ QUOTE from Elder Bruce R. McConkie

?Who ministers unto spirits now?
? Whats their message?

READ D&C 138-57

? Whats our duty once we die?

Just like some of you will be asked to serve full time missions to preach the gospel in this life- many of us will be called upon to serve missions in the spirit world to preach the gospel to those spirits in the spirit prison if we have lived righteously..

Testimony and closing prayer

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Outline for Lesson 6

Sorry that this late in posting...I had caught a nice little cold that has just made my life a little more complicated (on top of school and what not) so I am now just getting the outline for the lesson that I taught last Sunday up. I have decided that I am just going to type them up on here instead of in a word document so you can see the whole thing with out downloading (plus it saves me room on my 4shared account).

Lesson 6: Adversity Can Help Us Grow

Show Mormon Message of "My New Life" Click HERE to be taken to the video/link.

Talk about the video

* I want you to think back to the lesson on Adam and Eve 

? What was life like for them while they lived in the garden of Eden? (Perfect/Innocence, did not experience sorrow or death)
? What was life like for them when they were cast out of the garden? (They had to work for things, death, and sorrow)

* We are all like Adam and Eve, we too face trials. We knew that when we chose to come to this earth to receive a body we knew that we were going to have to face adversity. We all experience trials in one way or another.

? Why must we experience adversity?

*Read quote from Elder Richard G. Scott (first one located in Manual)

 * One of those sources we can avoid adversity from is by not breaking the commandments.

?What kinds of adversity can we  choose to avoid? (Anything brought on by our own bad/poor choices)
? What kinds of adversity might come to use regardless of our choices? ( Disease, injuries, financial loss, weather, etc..)

* We can't choose to avoid these kind of trails, but we can determine how we will react to them. One way of doing this is by thinking that these trials can help us grow and become a blessing to us. 

* Read 2 NEPHI 2:1, 22-23
-Remind the class that this is where Jacob experienced trials because of his brothers. His father Lehi explains  why.

? Why must we know misery in order to know joy?

* Read quote #2 from Elder Scott (second one listed in the manual)

* Cross word activity (can be found at the end of the lesson in the manual)
* Go over answers

* Popcorn Handout  and Testimony

Friday, February 17, 2012

Handout for Lesson 6

Here is lesson 6's handout. I am going to attach this story to a bag of microwave popcorn to remind them that we all go through adversity but it is how we choose to handle it that will determine where we will end up in the bowl. 

Click HERE to download (4 to a page)

Part of Lesson 6

Here is the video that I am going to be using in my lesson. I just love the message and Stephanie is such a strong inspiration on how to handle adversity and rise up from it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Getting lesson 6 put together

Just wanted to let you know that I am working on lesson 6 today...I hope to be posting my ideas and outline sometime tonight!
So be on the lookout for Adversity Can Help Us Grow ideas and handouts coming soon!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

As promised...

HERE is the lesson outline for lesson 4 The Atonement of Jesus Christ. This lesson outline follows the manuals suggestive teaching layout so it is pretty lengthy. However, as always, it is made to be customized to your particular situation or time restraints. This is also the lesson outline that I will be following. 

It is my intention to make sure that I leave enough time to make sure that the film clip of the Mediator is shown in its entirety as it is a lil over 10 minutes long and since it is in parable form I want to be able to discuss the meaning of it. So please, please make sure you make time for that. I think it is a great story and will help the kids understand the atonement and Jesus' role in it a little bit better.