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Friday, January 13, 2012

Lesson 1: A Loving Father-an Eternal Plan

Here is a 4x6 printout of the plan of salvation. My awesome brother helped me (or rather did it for me under my supervision) recreate the one that was from the lesson manual. Right now currently it is in Microsoft publisher form and I am hoping that when I get to a computer that actually has publisher on it (my lap top doesn't unfortunately) I hope to create it into a pdf file or even word doc so that it is much more accessible  to everyone. 

You can  print one off  (set up in your print screen) on a 4x6 file card and then laminate it or you can print it off two to a sheet (make sure its in portrait setting before printing and that you click that you want TWO copies-that way you get two on a sheet) and then cut out and laminate it. 

The reason I suggest laminating it is so that it last longer. This way they can keep it in their scriptures so that they have easy access to it for future lessons....did you know there is a series of lessons coming up that deals with the plan of salvation? 

Hopefully I can get it converted and when I do I will post it asap. 
Click HERE to download


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