You heard it right...Holding to the Rod is now on facebook....go over and "Like" us to be notified for special ideas and handouts and stay up to date on what is going on!
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I love to hear comments and ways that I can improve and if there is something that you are wanting me to create or post.
Contact me at wearedaughtersofaheavenlyking {at} OR
hysteria2483 {at}
What are some of the upcoming lessons on???? Let's hear what is coming up!!!!
Well, the few up coming lessons will of course be on the plan of salvation (and since I didn't get to teach the first lesson as I was just called and set apart today) to which I will be using the wonder handout on the Plan of Salvation which is posted on the blog...then after that, the next 5 or so lessons deal with the first principles and ordinances of the gospel.
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