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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lesson 27: Not of the World

*So I know it has been a while since I have updated this blog. I have been team teaching with another lady and we have been switching every other week so it has been hard for me to keep up when I haven't had to prepare a lesson. So I am going to spend some time getting caught up on lessons so be looking forward to that.*
Moving on to lesson 27. I have a confession to make. Whenever I teach I always go to Sugardoodle and look for ideas on how to go about teaching my lesson. I use that as a starting point and then go from there. One idea that they had on the site for this lesson was a video that I really liked and I think I will show it (if I can get a download to work) and if not I will have the class act it out.

I really liked the message that the story tells. You can find the talk HERE. It was told by President Gordon B. Hinckley who retold it from a talk given by Elder Robert B. Harbertson in a 1989 General Conference.
Like I said, I really enjoyed the message. When I first saw the title of this lesson I was taken back to a mutual we did in YW's when I was still a leader titled our Dr. Seuss Night which you can find HERE it takes the analogy of Satan pressuring us to the classic story Green Eggs and Ham. Crazy I know but there is a great correlation between the two, trust me. Go check it out! Anyway, since I have some of the young women in my sunday school class, I didn't really want to use the same thing again so that is another reason why I want to use this video.
For the hand out I am taking another idea from Sugardoodle (the mormanad from the first of this post shrunk down into a wallet size picture and then attaching a blowpop to it since I have no air heads or balloons to attach and no time to get to the store. On the back of the Mormonad I have typed up the story of the snake as taken from the talk by President Hinckley with an image of a rattle snake on it. Feel free to copy and paste this into a word document and size it up so that it fits on the back of the mormonad handout. 
"An Indian boy climbed a high mountain.
 It was cold up there. At his feet was a snake,
 a rattle snake. The snake was cold and
 pleaded with the young man to pick it up and
 take it down where it was warmer.

The Indian boy listened to the enticings of the
 serpent. He gave in. He gathered it up into
 his arms and cove red it with his shirt. He
 carried it down the mountain to where it
was warm. He gently put it on the grass.
When the snake was warm it raised its head
and struck the boy with its poisonous fangs.

The boy cursed at the snake for striking
 him as an answer to his kindness.
The snake replied,
Elder Robert B. Harbertson


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