Its been crazy around my house the last few weeks since I have been trying to get ready for my upcoming wedding that is in two weeks. So busy that I forgot that I was teaching this week (as in tomorrow!). I guess that is what I get when I don't pay attention and don't teach every week. Sigh...but don't fret I am getting ready for this lesson and it will be great!
Reading over this lesson and diving into other sites all over this wonderful (and at times frustrating) world wide web for ideas on how to go about teaching this lesson, I hit a brick wall. Nothing stood out! I guess maybe that is a sign from the heavens saying I should have prepared better or what my class needs at this time is only what I can teach them, not someone else. OR maybe it is a combination of the two?
Anyway, no matter how you look at this situation I must endure it and do the best that I possibly can. That being said every time I hear a talk or a lesson about tithing, the story of the Widows Mite from Mark pops into my head. I just love the story and the way it is told is just spectacular. Among my never ending search, I found this lovely site, part of LDS.ORG titled THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST Bible Videos.
Just watching that clip just gives me chills! The best part of these video clips is that you can download them from the website and store them on a hard/thumb drive or if you are talented enough you can burn them to a DVD and take with you to your class!
Moving on with the lesson plan. I am going to start our class off with reading the story that is found at the beginning of the lesson by Elder Joe Christensen of the Seventy. If you don't have a copy of the lesson, you can find it HERE.
What is tithing? What blessings come from it? How is tithing used? And what should our attitude be about paying tithing?
Quiz: Idea found on Sugardoodle where if you scroll down to lesson 29 you will find the original link!
True or False:
1. If you give one-tenth of your income to the poor and tell the bishop what you have done, that counts as tithing. (False.)
Read the Quote from President Spencer W. Kimball: "Inquiries are received at the office of the First Presidency from time to time from officers and members of the Church asking for information as to what is considered a proper tithe. We have uniformly replied that the simplest statement we know of is the statement of the Lord himself, namely that the members of the Church should pay 'one-tenth of all their interest annually' which is understood to mean income."
2. Tithe payers receive spiritual blessings. (True.)
3. If your family does not have enough means to meet their everyday needs (food, clothing, shelter), you do not have to pay tithing. (False.)
4. The Church uses tithing funds to print lesson manuals and build meetinghouses and temples. (True.)
5. The Church does not use tithing to help support the missionary program. (False.)
Read quote from Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve: "The Lord has directed by revelation that the expenditure of his tithes will be directed by his servants, the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve, and the Presiding Bishopric. Those funds are spent to build and maintain temples and houses of worship, to conduct our world wide missionary work, to translate and publish scriptures, to provide resources to redeem the dead, to fund religious education, and to support other Church purposes selected by the designated servants of the Lord."
6. Righteous people in Old and New Testament times paid tithing. (True.)
7. You don’t have to pay tithing to qualify for a temple recommend. (False.)
8. During tithing settlement you review your personal tithing records for the year with your bishop, branch president, or mission president. (True.)
9. Tithing helps you prepare to live the higher law of consecration. (True.)
Read Malachi 3:8-10 and discuss what it means to "rob God" and to "prove me now herewith" and open the Windows of heaven?"
10. One of the most important aspects of paying tithing is the intent of your heart as you pay it. (True.)
Show the video clip of the widows mite then have a class member read the statement by President David O. McKay: "Tithing makes its greatest appeal to the sincere mind because of its spiritual significance. It is an unfailing source of spiritual power. True and constant obedience to this law will give as much spiritual development as will obedience to any other principle of the gospel."
The Lord has promised to give us spiritual and material blessings when we pay a full tithe. how has the Lord blessed you or someone you know for paying tithing faithfully?
We shouldn't just pay our tithing to recieve blessings. We should pay tithing with the right attitude-willingly, cheerfully, and with faith. Read Moroni 7:6-8, what does it mean to offer a gift "with real intent"? What does it mean to offer a gift grudgingly?
When we pay tithing, we are we giving a give to God? Why or why not? Read D8C 104-14-15. Everything we have belongs to God. When we pay our tithing, we are merely giving back one-tenth of what God has already given us.
Close and bear testimony.
The Lord has promised to give us spiritual and material blessings when we pay a full tithe. how has the Lord blessed you or someone you know for paying tithing faithfully?
We shouldn't just pay our tithing to recieve blessings. We should pay tithing with the right attitude-willingly, cheerfully, and with faith. Read Moroni 7:6-8, what does it mean to offer a gift "with real intent"? What does it mean to offer a gift grudgingly?
When we pay tithing, we are we giving a give to God? Why or why not? Read D8C 104-14-15. Everything we have belongs to God. When we pay our tithing, we are merely giving back one-tenth of what God has already given us.
Close and bear testimony.
Handout to go with lesson
Click HERE to download pdf-4 to sheet or right click and save image as to use as a photo.
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